
Trauma and 伤害预防

According to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human 服务, “Injuries are a major public health concern in Nebraska and the United States, resulting in significant numbers of deaths, 住院治疗, and emergency department (ED) visits each year. 2009年至2013年, intentional and unintentional injuries were the fifth leading cause of death in Nebraska. For Nebraskans ages 1-44, unintentional injuries were the leading cause of death."

Unintentional injuries include motor vehicle crashes, 跌倒和溺水, and are frequently labeled as “accidental,“然而, with appropriate interventions, most unintentional injuries can be prevented.

As a service to our area, Box Butte总医院急诊科汇编了以下关于创伤预防的资料. When clicking on the seasonal links below, IM电竞App官网鼓励您复制和分发预防资料单张(可打印的PDF格式),以帮助预防创伤和伤害,以供社区教育之用: