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Box Butte综合医院:合并历史- 1910-1960

原来的圣. 约瑟夫医院,摄于20世纪30年代.

Not so long ago (but then again, it was), the health industry in the United States was dominated by hospitals run by religious organizations and charities, 她们大多是属于不同修会的天主教修女. 许多修女用她们的信仰回应了这一召唤, 这种信仰激发了人们为病人和伤者提供安慰的强烈奉献精神. So it was across a nation. So it was in Box Butte County.

In 1910, Drs. H. A. Copsey and C.E. Slagle approached the Rev. W. L. McNamara, pastor of Holy Rosary Church, asking help in building a hospital for the community. 一年之内,他们的努力建成了一栋两层的砖房,里面有23个床位. 奥马哈的仁爱修女会(Sisters of Mercy)曾在医院工作过一段时间, 在他们因为经济困难退出之前.  Their departure resulted in Fr. 麦克纳马拉转向圣方济各修女会和基督教慈善会. 姐妹们已经在社区中存在,开设了St. Agnes Academy in 1908. They responded to Fr. 麦克纳马拉一如既往地谦恭地恳求着, 同意帮忙经营医院, effective May 1, 1911, 从此开始了他为联盟公司长达60年的服务, 海明福德和乡村的博克斯比特郡社区.

在他们的指导和医学界的专业知识下,圣. 仅仅五年后,约瑟夫就建成了, 中央翼楼于1916年12月完工,耗资超过20美元,000. 它的建成使床位数量增加到40张.

By the 1920s, St. 约瑟夫医院成为了狭长地带的医疗中心, 怀俄明州东部和南达科他州南部, 东翼于1925年建成,西翼于1928年建成. This final configuration of St. Joseph’s Hospital brought the total beds to 100 and it continued to serve the needs of Box Butte County until the 1960s under the guidance of the Sisters of St. Francis.